Creation of Master Archive Package (MAP)

This webinar recording describes the process of creating a MAP (Master Archive package) JPEG2000 archival element in the Fraunhofer JPEG2000 software suite and discusses the benefits and drawback of this process and the use of MAPs as a standard for the preservation of digital film. While DCP (Digital Cinema Package) is a universally adopted format for digital film distribution, many …

Digital Preservation File Format Policies of ARL Member Libraries: An Analysis

In the interest of gaining a broad view of contemporary digital preservation practice in North American research libraries, this paper presents the findings of a study of file format policies at Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member institutions. It is intended to present the digital preservation community with an assessment of the level of trust currently placed in common file …

AV Insider 6: TDR, Digital Preservation and the Soft Side of Technology

AV Insider is a quarterly magazine for the audiovisual digital preservation community. AV Insider Issue 6 (July 2015) is a special 31 pages edition about Trusted Digital Repositories, digital preservation and the soft side of technology: The challenges of becoming a Trusted Digital Repository Multimedia Preservation Application Format as metadata container Welcome to the jungle of preservation standards Automated metadata extraction and …