The Digitized Archival Document Trustworthiness Scale

Designated communities are central to validation of preservation. If a designated community is able to understand and use information found within a digital repository, the assumption is that the information has been properly preserved. As judging the trustworthiness of information requires at least some level of understanding of that information, this paper presents results of a study aimed at developing …

Preservation Guide

Click on the links below to access the PDF’s. Navigation Guide Introduction Overview of Preservation 1 What is preservation 1.1 Maintenance 1.2 Digitisation 1.3 Conservation 1.4 Restoration 1.5 What this document covers, and doesn’t cover Getting Started 2.1 Where to start: cartography! 2.2 Muster your resources 2.3 Prioritise Develop a Strategy 3 Collection strategy 3.1 Long-term purpose if the preservation …

AV Preservation at the Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía: Policies – Management – Tools

This webinar presents a specific usecase on how the conservation-restoration department of Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía is tackling the preservation of the heterogeneous AV artworks in the museum collection, taking advantage of the resources at hand within the different departments integrating the institution. Presenter: Gema Grueso Otalo – Professional specialist on cultural heritage conservation and restoration at …

Digital Preservation Sound and Vision: Policy, Standards and Procedures

The purpose of this document is to contribute to the development and promotion of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid) as a leading audio-visual archive that has identified sustainable digital preservation as its primary business. With that in mind, this document explicitly outlines all principles and choices that form the basis for execution …

AV Digitisation and Digital Preservation TechWatch Report #04

The IBC, or International Broadcasting Convention, is Europe’s largest professional broadcast fair. Held annually in September in Amsterdam, the trade show saw a record year in 2016, with 56,000 in attendance over the five days of exhibition and conference activities. The buzz at the show was that things are picking up again after the disruption of the past decade, where the financial turbulence and …