Understanding the costs of digitisation

Contents: Executive summary List of contents Document history 1. Introduction 2. The foundations 3. Project management 4. Content capture 5. Metadata generation 6. Procurement 7. IPR 8. Service delivery A. Case studies in detail. This report provides advice, based on the experiences of completed digitisation projects, two of which involved audiovisual collections. Using “factor profiles”, it highlights areas which are …

Digitization Activities Project Planning and Management Outline

Contents: Introduction Assumptions General Policy Issues Approaches to Digitization Chart Digitization Technical Requirements Digitization Activities Digitization Activities Chart Detailed Outline Infrastructure Outline Infrastructure Issues Resources. This document defines work activities relating to the digitization (the creation of digital objects from physical originals) of original cultural materials and presents in outline form, a generic sequence of high-level activities for planning and …

JISC Project Report: Digitisation Programme: Preservation Study April 2009

This report presents a study of the measures taken to protect the investment in the digitisation itself by 16 JISC funded digitization projects (two of which involved audiovisual collections). The study focused primarily on the measures taken to protect digital masters and the metadata associated with them. The publication includes a comprehensive report, a portfolio of case studies and a …

Unlocking Audio 2009 conference – Keynote presentation

De spreker pleit ervoor dat content providers, zoals de British Library en de BBC, hun business modellen zodanig aanpassen dat ze bij de online presentatie of exploitatie van hun collecties inspelen op de behoefte van consumenten en onderzoekers om zelf een actieve rol te spelen. ‘Participative technologies’ komen tegemoet aan de zogenaamde ‘Enjoy-Talk-Do’ behoefte van gebruikers van digitale (av-) content.Na …

Audiovisual preservation strategies, data models and value chains

This orginal PrestoPRIME project deliverable covers three main aspects of preservation strategy: – The value chains and business models that underpin preservation strategy in the widest sense, i.e. addressing economics and sustainability. This addresses the need to understand where the money will come from, how to keep it coming, and how preservation and access should be done as a result.  …