Contents: Introduction A Vanishing Heritage The Role of Technical Metadata in Moving Image Preservation A Dearth of Technical Metadata Standards The AES Audio Object Schema Creating an Application Profile Vocabularies Working with Experts Conclusion This article, a version of which was later published in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 48, no. 5 (June, 2010), documents the efforts of Rutgers University Libraries …
Extracting Multilayered Semantic Communities of Interest from Ontology-based User Profiles
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. State of the Art 3. Ontology-based Knowledge Representation 4. Personalized Semantic Content Retrieval 5. Multilayered Semantic Communities of Interest 6. Group Profiles for Content Retrieval 6.1. Group Modeling Strategies 6.2. Experiments 7. Content-based Collaborative Recommendations 7.1. An Example 7.2. Experiments 8. Discussion References. Dit wetenschappelijke artikel presenteert gedetailleerd hoe het semantisch analyseren van online gebruikersprofielen in …
A METS based information package for long term accessibility of Web Archives
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Web Archiving 3.Preservation Requirements 4. Conclusion The British Library’s web archive comprises several terabyte of harvested websites. Like other content streams this data is ingested into the library’s central preservation repository via a standardized Submission Information Package (SIP). Harvested Websites are stored in Archival Information Packages (AIP). Each AIP is described by a METS file. This …
Bewaring en Ontsluiting van Multimediale data in Vlaanderen : Perspectieven op Audiovisueel erfgoed in het Digitale tijdperk
Contents: 1. Selectie voor digitalisering – een analyse 2. Eigentijds beschrijven. Het contextualiseren van digitaal audiovisueel erfgoed in archieven 3. Metadatastandaarden, Dublin Core en het gelaagd metadatamodel 4. Het wetenschappelijk gebruik van digitale archieven 5. Mag het wat actiever? De gebruiker als prosumer van een multimedia-archief 6. Het audiovisueel archief als open platform voor mediadiensten 7. Revolutionary Road? De toekomstperspectieven …
Archival Sounds: The British Library
This Digital Preservation Case Note describes an audio digitization project at the British Library Sound Archives, funded by the JISC. Besides providing a brief overview of the project goals and approach taken, it focuses in particular on the BL ARC decision to implement METS for metadata management. This brief case study is especially useful for bringing attention to a large …
The Europeana Data Model (EDM)
Contents: 1 Introduction to Europeana 2 From ESE to EDM 3 Design Principles of EDM 3.1 W3C Standards and Semantic Web 3.2 &ldquo Object Reuse & Exchange&rdquo framework 3.3 EDM and Linked Open Data 3.4 Abstraction of relevant semantic relationships 4 EDM and community specific representation schemas 5 Object-centric and Event-centric approach 6 Validation and Potential of EDM 7 Literature …