Presentatie tijdens de AVA_Net training Auteursrechten en online beschikbaarstelling op 9 december 2019 bij het Nationaal Archief in Den Haag.Dalida van Dessel is media manager Vereeuwigen bij Beeld en Geluid. Ze vertelt over de modulaire aanpak bij Beeld en Geluid, waardoor de online beschikbaarstelling van de verschillende collecties en per doelgroep en per online platform kan worden ingeregeld. Elke stap in dit …
[AVA_Net Training] PREMIS
Presentatie tijdens de AVA_Net training Auteursrechten en online beschikbaarstelling op 9 december 2019 bij het Nationaal Archief in Den Haag. Marjolein Steeman is senior media manager optimalisatie bij Beeld en Geluid. Ze vertelt over de standaard PREMIS in relatie tot auteursrechten en online beschikbaarstelling. Rechten is één van de vier entiteiten van het PREMIS model. Steeman licht de eigenschappen van …
Frequently Asked Questions (about audiovisual preservation)
These FAQ questions about audiovisual preservation were written by Richard Wright for PrestoCentre in 2013 and updated in 2019. They provide an introduction to the wealth of information from the Presto Projects and PrestoCentre, now part of the AVA_Net Library. They are meant to give brief answers to the basic questions.
So Many Standards, so Little Time: a History and Analysis of Four Digital Video Standards
This dissertation focuses on standards for digital video – the social aspects of their design and the sociotechnical forces that drive their development and adoption. This work is a history and analysis of how the MXF, JPEG 2000, FFV1 and Matroska standards have been adopted and/or adapted by libraries and archives of different sizes. Well-funded institutions often have the resources …
Digital Preservation Sound and Vision: Policy, Standards and Procedures. 2019 Edition.
This is an updated version of the Digital Preservation Sound and Vision: Policy, Standards and Procedures document from 2016. The purpose of this document is to further contribute to the development and promotion of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (in short Sound and Vision or NISV) as a leading media archive that has identified sustainable digital preservation as … The Reference Website for MPEG
MPEG.ORG is a roadmap to the best MPEG resources on the Internet. This website contains pages with Video, Audio and Systems technical resources, source code, test bitstreams etc. There’s also have a page dedicated to MPEG Audio Layer 3 aka MP3. The MPEG Software Simulation Group (MSSG) page gives access to the source code of several public-domain MPEG encoders, decoders …