Kosten-batenanalyse en bedrijfsmodellen voor een centraal Vlaams audiovisueel archief

Contents: 1 Organisatie van het archief 2 Kosten 3 Inkomsten Besluit Dit rapport is opgesteld in het kader van het project BOM-Vlaanderen om de kosten en mogelijke directe baten van een Gemeenschappelijk Vlaams audiovisueel archief inzichtelijk te maken. Bij wijze van inleiding presenteert hoofdstuk 1 kort de functies waar een AV-archief voor kan kiezen en nog korter de mogelijke organisatievormen …

Keeping Research Data Safe 2

The first Keeping Research Data Safe study (Beagrie, Chrusczcz and Lavoie, JISC 2008) made a major contribution to understanding of long-term preservation costs for research data by developing a cost model and indentifying cost variables for preserving research data in UK universities. This aim of this follow-on project (2009/2010) was to provide a larger body of material and evidence against which existing …

DataSpace: A Funding and Operational Model for Long-Term Preservation and Sharing of Research Data

At the May 5 meeting of the US National Research Board, the National Science Foundation announced that, as of October 2010, it will require that all grant proposals include a data management plan. This announcement represents the next step in what has been a growing trend on the part of government agencies to require researchers to plan for the preservation …

Sustainable Economics for a Digital Planet: Ensuring Long-Term Access to Digital Information

Contents: Executive Summary Preface 1. Purpose and Background of the Report 2. The Economic Perspective on Digital Preservation 3. Addressing Economic Risks to Sustainability 4. Sustainable Preservation in Context 5. Recommendations for Achieving Sustainability Appendix 1. Characteristics of Sustainability in Public and Corporate Records Appendix 2. Analog and Digital Preservation Strategies Appendix 3. When Markets Do Not Work Appendix 4. …