EBU technical report- Preservation and reuse of film material for television

  Comprehensive guidelines for broadcasters on the handling and storage of film material. Reuse in television production is discussed as well. The telecine transfer process is described in detail. Working with threatened and damaged material in the production context is also discussed, and specific advice for monitoring, conservation and preservation of film material is given. Special attention is given to …

Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access

Contents: I. Introduction &nbsp II. Overview: Rationale for Digitisation and Preservation III. Considerations for Project Management IV. Selection of Materials for Scanning V. Overview of Copyright Issues &nbsp VI. Technical Primer VII. Developing Best Practices: Guidelines from Case Studies &nbsp VIII. Vendor Relations IX. Digital Longevity &nbsp X. Scholar Commentary: A User Speaks Up. Dit handboek dient als managementinstrument voor …

Preservation and Reuse of Film Material for Television, first edition

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The nature of motion picture film &nbsp 3. Film image degradation &nbsp 4. Film base degradation &nbsp 5. Film — physical properties and physical distortions 6. Effects of storage conditions 7. Handling and inspection routines &nbsp 8. Recommendations for the storage of film &nbsp 9. Film preservation 10. Film restoration and treatment 11. Converting motion picture …

Task Force to establish Selection Criteria of Analogue and Digital Audio Contents for Transfer to Data Formats for Preservation Purpose

Contents: 1. Foreword 2. Introduction 3. Technical Selection Criteria &nbsp 4. Selection for Digitisation in Broadcasting Sound Archives 5. Selection for Digitisation in National Sound Archives 6. Selection for Digitisation in Research Archives 7. Metadata &nbsp 8. Conclusion &nbsp 9. Bibliography. Dit document beoogt audioarchieven te helpen met het opzetten van een consistente digitale conserveringsstrategie. Het bevat selectiecriteria voor het …

Digital Preservation Management: Implementing Short-term Strategies for Long-term Problems

Contents: Introduction 1. Setting the Stage 2. Terms and Concepts 3. Obsolescence 4. Foundations 5. Challenges 6. Program Elements Conclusions. Een ’tutorial’  met het oogmerk organisaties te helpen een degelijk programma op te zetten (geen project) voor digitaal behoud. Er wordt in benadrukt dat voor een duurzame benadering niet alleen een technologische infrastructuur is vereist, maar dat er ook menskracht …