Videotape Preservation Handbook

Contents: I. Introduction II. Videotape: A  Brief History of Videotape Recording Videotape Formats Tape Types Tape Life The Most Common Tape Problems III. Preservation Management: 1. Environment 2. Care and Handling 3. Risk Management 4. Reformatting 5. Emergency Preparedness IV. Appendices This handbook, originally published in a slightly different form as ‘factsheets’ provides guidelines concerning the primary issues concerning videotape …

The Film Preservation Guide: the basics for archives, libraries and museums

Contents: 1. Why Preserve Film? 2. Understanding Film and How it Decays 3. Film Handling and Inspection &nbsp 4. The Curatorial Role &nbsp 5. Duplication &nbsp 6. Storage 7. Cataloging 8. Legal Context &nbsp 9. Access Appendixes Glossary Selected Bibliography. In deze gids wordt het conserveren van film uiteengezet. Doelgroep zijn met name onderzoeksorganisaties die filmcollecties beheren. De gids kan …

Safeguarding Our Documentary Heritage

Contents: Introduction &nbsp Environment and Storage&nbsp Disaster Planning&nbsp Graphic Documents&nbsp Photographic Documents and Films&nbsp Mechanical Carriers&nbsp Magnetic Carriers&nbsp Optical Carriers&nbsp Electronic Publications, Electronic Documents and Virtual Information&nbsp Glossary&nbsp Website Directory&nbsp Addresses. Een uitgebreide, geïllustreerde CD-ROM (online) over de oorzaken van schade aan bibliotheekcollecties en archiefdocumenten en over de preventiemogelijkheden. Externe links koppelen de informatie aan andere sites die handelen over …

Audio and video carriers

Contents: Part 1: Type of Carriers, recording principles, composition and life expectancy, deterioration by replay Part 2: Passive preservation – environmental factors, handling and storage Part 3: Maintenance of equipment, obsolescence of formats and equipment. De tekst beschrijft systematisch de uitgangspunten die dienen te gelden bij de opslag, het beheer en het onderhoud van audiovisuele dragers en de benodigde afspeelapperatuur. …

Film Preservation Handbook

Contents: Film Construction&nbsp Base Polymers &amp Decomposition&nbsp Gelatin Image Forming Materials&nbsp Damage to Films&nbsp Cold Storage of Film&nbsp Preparation for Long Term Storage&nbsp Occupational Health &amp Safety&nbsp Condition Reporting&nbsp Film Identification &amp Handling&nbsp Film Repair&nbsp Conservation Treatments&nbsp Photographic Duplication&nbsp Disaster Planning. Een compleet handboek over filmconservering van een instelling erkend als een “centre of excellence”. Een uitgebreid online-handboek met veel …

Manual of analogue sound restoration techniques

This manual gives details of some of the techniques to be followed when old sound recordings are transferred to more modern carriers. It is aimed primarily at the professional archivist transferring them to conserve them, and it is generally assumed that the purpose is to preserve the original sound. With the rapid pace of change in audio technology, analogue formats …