Web Archiving Service

This portal provides researchers and the public the opportunity to search through a collection of webarchives. The webarchives concern a specific topic or a specific part of the Californian government. Partners to this webservice (WAS), as well as researchers, WAS curators and webmasters each get specific insights into the portal. Users can choose a webarchive from the alphabetical list, thus …

Preservation of Web Resources Handbook

Contents: Introduction I Preservation of your web resources 1: What do we mean by preservation? 2: What’s on your web? 3: What risks and issues are peculiar to websites? 4: What are your web archiving requirements? 5: Selection 6: Web Capture: what and how? 7: Tools for the job 8: Web Content Management Systems (CMS) 9: What approaches and techniques …

Web Archiving in Europe

Contents: Context Key figures of results Survey Analysis Presentation 1. Characterization of the community 2. Legal Aspect 3. Management of Web archiving program Conclusion In het kader van het LiWA project is in december 2010 een enquête gehouden onder 364 instellingen in 37 Europese landen om te inventariseren welke organisaties aan een webarchief bouwen en om een actueel beeld te …

Preserving Web Archives: One Size Fits All? – panel discussion

Contents: Abstract Statements Contact details Tijdens iPRES 2010 – 7th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects – organiseerde de International Internet Preservation Coalition (IIPC, netpreserve.org) een discussie over diverse webarchiveringsinitiatieven. De panelleden schetsen waarom hun organisatie (Harvard University Library (US), Library of Congress, Nationale Bibliotheek van Australië en Nationale Bibliotheek van Tjechië) aan webarchivering doet, hoe ze het nu …