Audio Analog-to-Digital Converter Performance Specification and Test Method

This document specifies a set of metrics and methods pertaining to the performance of the audio analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) used in preservation reformatting workflows. The metrics specified in the guideline pertain to the production of files using the highest quality ADC devices. It is the central element within the larger topic of audio digitisation system performance, which also includes the …

Preserving and delivering audiovisual content integrating Fedora Commons and MediaMosa

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Project overview 3. Related work 4. Audiovisual content ingestion and modeling: METS ingestion negotiation for FC audiovisual content model 5. MediaMosa platform as a transcoding and delivery service 6. Fedora Commons and Mediamosa integration 7. Conclusions 8. References The article describes the integrated adoption of Fedora Commons repository, usually adopted in a preservation context, and MediaMosa …

The Digital Dilemma 2: Independent Filmmakers, Documentarians and Nonprofit Audiovisual Archives

Contents: Preface Executive Summary 1. Independent Filmmakers 2. Documentarians 3. Marketing and Distributing Independent Films 4. Nonprofit Audiovisual Archives 5. Progress Report and Interim Options 6. Closing Appendix: Case Studies Online Appendix End Notes Bibliography Acknowledgements This report was produced through a partnership between the Library of Congress’s National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) and the Academy of …

Total Cost of Preservation (TCP): Cost Modeling for Sustainable Services

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Total cost of preservation 3. Predictive reliability Appendix A: Prior work Appendix B: Power series Appendix C: Pay-as-you-go price model Appendix D: Discount factor Appendix E: Paid-up price model References This white paper presents two cost models that could be used to determine the “Total Cost of Preservation (TCP)”. It begins by introducing a range of …

A Digital Agenda for Film Archives

“A Digital Agenda for Film Archives” describes the challenges of the digital turn and discusses the role of the archives in this process. Compared to analogue preservation, digital archiving requires very different workflows, technologies and skills. While most of the traditional analogue tasks will continue, film archives must also be prepared to perform proper digital archiving. This has impact on many …

Preserving Moving Pictures and Sound

This report is for anyone with responsibility for collections of sound or moving image content and an interest in preservation of that content. New content is born digital, analogue audio and video need digitisation to survive and film requires digitisation for access. Consequently, digital preservation will be relevant over time to all these areas. The report concentrates on digitisation, encoding, file formats and …