Contents: 1 Introduction 2 Overview of Audit and Certification Criteria 3 Organizational Infrastructure 4 Digital Object Management 5 Infrastructure and Security Risk Management Met deze CCSDS Recommended Practice is een aanbeveling uitgewerkt op basis waarvan een audit is uit te voeren voor het beoordelen van de betrouwbaarheid van een digitaal archief (digital repository). De aanbeveling is gebaseerd op OAIS en …
Meeting the Problem of Media Preservation: Strategies and Solutions
Contents: Executive Summary – 1. Prologue 2. Media Preservation Initiative Task Force Recommendations 3. Background 4. Preservation Planning 5. Strategies for Film 6. Facility Planning 7. Access 8. Technology Infrastructure and Needs 9. Campus Engagement 10. Next Steps Appendix 1: Project Structure and Personnel This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Indiana University (IU) Bloomington Media Preservation Task …
Meeting the Challenge of Media Preservation: Strategies and Solutions
In 2009, Indiana University Bloomington published a report documenting the findings of a campus-wide census of audio, video, and film holdings which identified more than 560,000 media objects, most of them on degrading, obsolete analogue carriers. In 2010, Indiana University began a preservation planning process for time-based media holdings, engaging key campus stakeholders. The results of the first year of …
What’s Your Product? Assessing the suitability of a More Product, Less Process methodology for processing audiovisual collection
“The widely referenced and adopted More Product, Less Process methodology (MPLP) represents a much needed evolution in the manner of processing archival collections in order to overcome backlogs and resource shortfalls that institutions face. In the case of audiovisual-based collections, however, the ability to plan budgets, timelines, equipment needs, and other preservation plans that unequivocally impact access is directly tied …
The Economics of Long-Term Digital Storage
Kryder’s Law refers to the rapid increase in areal storage density of digital storage media in the past decades and has often been used in digital preservation economic forecasts. Presented at UNESCO’s conference ‘Memory of the World in the Digital Age”, this paper presents a growing body of evidence suggesting that Kryder’s Law will not necessarily hold in the future …
The Digital Dilemma 2: Perspectives from Independent Filmmakers, Documentarians and Nonprofit Audiovisual Archives
The Academy has made the this extensive and valuable report available for free download via quick registration on their website. “The Digital Dilemma 2 focuses on the more acute challenges faced by independent filmmakers, documentarians and nonprofit audiovisual archives. While 75 percent of theatrically released motion pictures are independently produced, these communities typically lack the resources, personnel and funding …