Guidelines for Audiovisual and Multimedia Materials in Libraries and Other Institutions

This guideline is aimed to assist library staff on handling and managing audiovisual and multimedia resources. It provides general guidance on: organisation and administration of the library (staff requirements and education) budget considerations acquisition and legal deposit of material copyright and licencing issues Cataloguing and Bibliographic Access Archiving and Storage Digitisation and Preservation It also considers the use of the …

IPI Media Storage – Quick Reference

This publication was created for today’s collection care professionals, who must provide long-term, preservation-quality storage for a growing diversity of collection materials—often in a single storage area. The IPI Media Storage Quick Reference (MSQR) distills key preservation issues for still and motion picture film, glass plate negatives, magnetic tape, photographic paper prints, inkjet prints, CDs, and DVDs and helps the user better …

Videotape Identification and Assessment Guide

Contents: Identify Format&nbsp Longevity Risks&nbsp Condition Assessment&nbsp Conservation Actions&nbsp Resources Glossary Gids bedoeld voor het beantwoorden van alle veelgestelde vragen met betrekking tot videotape-collecties. Het eerste hoofdstuk helpt in het identificatie van 15 verschillende videotape formaten aan de hand van afbeeldingen en kenmerken. Een overzichtelijke introductie op het behoud van videotape-collecties. Goede en duidelijke foto’s verrijken de beschrijving van onderwerpen …

Video Identification and Assessment Guide

Museum staff are increasingly faced with the identification, care, and conservation of videotape formats found in their collections and archives, some of which are many decades old. Staff must inspect the works to assess condition – often without the use of playback equipment – and catch problems before they compromise the works. Videotape has particular storage, housing, and handling needs …

Safeguarding Our Documentary Heritage

Contents: Introduction &nbsp Environment and Storage&nbsp Disaster Planning&nbsp Graphic Documents&nbsp Photographic Documents and Films&nbsp Mechanical Carriers&nbsp Magnetic Carriers&nbsp Optical Carriers&nbsp Electronic Publications, Electronic Documents and Virtual Information&nbsp Glossary&nbsp Website Directory&nbsp Addresses. Een uitgebreide, geïllustreerde CD-ROM (online) over de oorzaken van schade aan bibliotheekcollecties en archiefdocumenten en over de preventiemogelijkheden. Externe links koppelen de informatie aan andere sites die handelen over …