Vdfp audio and video fingerprinting

Contents: Techniek in het kort Sound & Vision Pilot Sound & Vision Pilot Results ZiuZ Sound & Vision Pilot Results JRS Sound & Vision Pilot Results Future improvement on current results. Presentatie ter afronding van het project vdFP Video Fingerprinting (2009-2010) waarin de mogelijkheden zijn onderzocht voor de uitrol van deze technologie binnen Beeld en Geluid. Voor het project is …

Preserving Digital Public Television Final Report

Contents: New Preservation Practices for Television Archives Project Goals Deliverables and Activities Impact and Contributions Appendices. This final report presents the outcomes of the Preserving Digital Public Television Project, funded by the the NDIIPP at the Library of Congress. After providing some context on the need for the project it goes on to detail its goals and successes. This final …

EBU Archives Report 2010

Contents: Executive Summary Summary 1. Introduction 2. Survey results – general information 3. Workflows 4. Technology 5. Project Management (PM) 6. Parameters for an archive system’s service levels Appendix A: Outsourcing Annex B: Correlation between questionnaire and Report sections. This report, ’technical report number 006′, summarizes the current technical and workflow issues found for setting up digital archives and integrating …

D7.1.5 Audiovisual Digital Preservation Status Report 3

Contents: Scope Executive summary 1. A summary of PrestoPRIME public activity in 2011 2. PrestoPRIME technology 3. PrestoCentre Developments in 2011 4. Technology – Brief Encounters 5. UK, European and International Developments 6. Preservation of Signals 7. Glossary 8. References This status report is the seventh in a series of annual reviews of audiovisual preservation in Europe produced by the …