Through the development of communities of practice during 2013, the Presto4U project has gathered information regarding the shape and scale of technical challenges faced by the audiovisual archiving community. In parallel, we have taken a deep dive into the technology supply side to gather information on products in the market today to see where research is heading that will hopefully solve the challenges that …
AV Digitisation and Digital Preservation TechWatch Report #01
PrestoCentre’s TechWatch Reports are about identifying technology trends and business issues which exist in digital AV archiving and finding a way to bring clarity in a language that is accessible to nonspecialists. This first TechWatch Report has been written by members of PrestoCentre involved in the Presto4U project and was compiled through meetings they had with specialist technology vendors and …
Preservation Case Studies for Archives
Preservation Case Studies for Archives is an innovative educational experience that places the student in the role of the decision maker. Through a dynamic process of idea exchange, students first learn about the situation, then identify and analyse the problems to determine the causes, and finally develop alternative strategies for a solution. Preservation Case Studies for Archives provides the context …
Digital Libraries: Knowledge, Information, and Data in an Open Access Society
This volume contains the papers presented at the 18th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2016), held during December 7–9, 2016, in Tsukuba, Japan. Since starting in Hong Kong in 1998, ICADL has become a premier international conference for digital library research. The conference series explores digital libraries as a broad foundation for interaction with information and information management …
3-D Digital Preservation of At-Risk Global Cultural Heritage
Designated communities are central to validation of preservation. If a designated community is able to understand and use information found within a digital repository, the assumption is that the information has been properly preserved. As judging the trustworthiness of information requires at least some level of understanding of that information, this paper presents results of a study aimed at developing …
IASA-TC 06 Guidelines for the Preservation of Video Recordings
Archives hold original video recordings in a range of types, from media-dependent, carrier-based analogue videotapes to computer-file-based digital recordings. The appropriate preservation treatments for this array reflect the variation in the source recordings. For analogue videotapes, for example, digitisation is called for. Meanwhile, examples of digital file-based recording may require rewrapping into a fresh file “wrapper” or a combination of digital transcoding and rewrapping. When …