[AVA_Net Training] Privacy en ethische checklist

Presentatie tijdens de AVA_Net training Auteursrechten en online beschikbaarstelling op 9 december 2019 bij het Nationaal Archief in Den Haag. Corné Suijs is Privacy Officer bij Beeld en Geluid. Hij bespreekt de privacy-aspecten rondom de online beschikbaarstelling van AV-materiaal, waarbij hij ingaat op de AVG. Ook geeft hij een toelichting op de ethische checklist die Beeld en Geluid intern als hulpmiddel gebruikt …

Audiovisual Archiving: Philosophy and Principles

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Foundations 3. Definitions and Terms 4. The Audiovisual Archive 5. Preservation: Exploring Nature and Concept 6. Management Principles 7. Ethics 8. Conclusion. This report provides the theoretical basis on how to work professionally in the audiovisual archive domain. This publication provides guidelines on how to manage audiovisual archives ethically and responsibly and is still considered a …

FIAF Code of Ethics

Contents: Intro, General Principles. 1. The Rights of Collections. 2. The Rights of Future Generations 3. Exploitation Rights 4. Rights of Colleagues 5. Personal Behavior. This document supplies some detailed statements for each general ethical principle sited in the introduction. A general ethics code that could be used in an audiovisual archive mission statement or as underlying general policy.

Ethical Principles for Sound and Audiovisual Archives

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Ethics and Sound and Audiovisual Archives 3. Conclusion. This document provides a statement of ethical principles grouped around the basic archival tasks of acquisition, processing and preservation, and providing access. It includes references to other related ethics documents as well as relevant IASA publications. What sets this code of ethics apart from those from national and …

Preservation Case Studies for Archives

Preservation Case Studies for Archives is an innovative educational experience that places the student in the role of the decision maker.  Through a dynamic process of idea exchange, students first learn about the situation, then identify and analyse the problems to determine the causes, and finally develop alternative strategies for a solution. Preservation Case Studies for Archives provides the context …