Contents: 1.0 Background 2.0 Discovering and acquiring films 3.0 Film and video digitization 4.0 Website Infrastructure 5.0 Metadata 6.0 Preservation 7.0 Advertising and Outreach 8.0 Evaluation 9.0 Appendices and links 10. Works cited and bibliography This guide describes how the Folkstreams project selects, acquires, digitizes and provides access to documentary films about American folk or roots cultures. It addresses selection …
The Europeana Data Model (EDM)
Contents: 1 Introduction to Europeana 2 From ESE to EDM 3 Design Principles of EDM 3.1 W3C Standards and Semantic Web 3.2 &ldquo Object Reuse & Exchange&rdquo framework 3.3 EDM and Linked Open Data 3.4 Abstraction of relevant semantic relationships 4 EDM and community specific representation schemas 5 Object-centric and Event-centric approach 6 Validation and Potential of EDM 7 Literature …
Handreiking Multimediaformaten: naar optimale toegang van audio, video en afbeeldingen
Contents: Voorwoord 1. Introductie 2. Wat zijn multimediaformaten? 3. Hoe kies je een geschikt multimediaformaat? 4. Twee videoformaten onder de loep: MPEG-4 en Theora 5. Praktijkvoorbeelden 6. Conclusie 7. Bronnen 8. Bijlage 1: Lijst met bestandsformaten voor multimedia Bijlage 2: Sjabloon voor praktijkvoorbeelden Colofon. In deze handreiking wordt toegelicht wat multimediaformaten zijn en op basis van welke kenmerken een keuze …
Mapping Audiovisual Metadata Formats Using Formal Semantics
Contents: 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Approach 4 Prototype Application 5 Conclusion and Future Work Acknowledgments References Preserveren van digitale audiovisuele content houdt o.a. in dat gezorgd moet worden voor duurzame toegankelijkheid. Dit kan betekenen dat niet alleen de bestanden, maar ook de betrokken metadata af en toe moeten migreren naar een meer courant metadatamodel. Het correct kunnen mappen …
Archipelproject: Social Impact & Examples (Preserving our History in a Sustainable Digital Way series)
Video is titled “Teaser” on YouTube Archipel is a project based on the finding that a sustainable digital archive infrastructure is needed in Flanders in order to ensure a structural approach to the problem of digital archiving. The project is also based on the fact that there is an important role for players from the world of arts, cultural and …
Archipelproject: Introduction (Preserving our History in a Sustainable Digital Way series)
Archipel is a project based on the finding that a sustainable digital archive infrastructure is needed in Flanders in order to ensure a structural approach to the problem of digital archiving. The project is also based on the fact that there is an important role for players from the world of arts, cultural and scientific heritage and education in the …