Contents: 1. Inleiding 2. Problemen 3. Metadataniveaus voor langetermijnarchivering 4. Gelaagd semantisch metadataschema In kader van het project BOM-Vlaanderen is een gelaagd semantisch metadataschema uitgewerkt dat alle soorten metadata, noodzakelijk voor de preservering van digitale informatie, omvat. Dit artikel licht het schema kort toe. De bovenste laag is een OWL-representatie van Dublin Core waarin de beschrijvende metadata worden behandeld en …
D3.1 Preliminary document analyzing and summarizing metadata standards and issues across Europe
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Data Preservation Strategies 3. Preservation Metadata Initiatives and Standards 4. Relevant Framework 7 Projects 5. Relevant Framework 6 Projects 6. Other Relevant Projects and Developments 7. Institutional Issues 8. Preservation Metadata for Games 9. Non-preservation Metadata for Games 10. Abandonware Sites 11. Abbreviations 12. Bibliography 13. Endnotes This large deliverable (85 pages) from the KEEP project …
Standaarden voor digitale archieven
Contents: Voorwoord 1 Inhoud 2 Inleiding en probleemstelling 3 Open Archival Information System (OAIS) 4 Dataformaten 5 Informatie over de data 6 Declaratieve containers 7 Digitale archivering : best practices 8 Conclusies 9 Bibliografie In het kader van het project BOM-Vlaanderen (Bewaring en Ontsluiting Multimediale data in Vlaanderen, 2008-2009) is de techniek van langetermijnbewaring van digitaal erfgoed onder de loup …
D2.2.3 Strategy for Use of Preservation Metadata for within a Digital Library with examples of use in audiovisual preservation
Contents: Executive Summary 1 Definitions and Standards 2 Preservation Metadata Strategy as Implemented by Ex Libris’ Rosetta and the National Library of New Zealand 3 Preservation Metadata in Digital Libraries/Repositories 4 Preservation Metadata and Audiovisual Content 4.1 PDPT=Preserving Digital Public Television 4.2 Memories 4.3 Archipel 4.4 Other relevant work 5 PrestoPRIME Use of Preservation Metadata Conclusions Glossary References Dit rapport …
D2.2.2 Metadata Models, Interoperability Gaps and Extensions to Preservation Metadata Standards
Contents: Scope Executive summary 1 Expectations on (preservation) metadata standards with regard to a/v content 2 Models for metadata types in the digital library community and cultural heritage domain 2.1 Models for descriptive metadata 2.2 Specific metadata models for a/v content 2.3 Models for preservation metadata 2.4 Models for provenance metadata 2.5 Models for rights metadata 3 Shortcomings and gaps …
Format considerations in audiovisual preservation reformatting
This article’s subtitle is ‘Snapshots from the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative’. The author presents an overview of decisions the initiative’s Audio-Visual Working Group has made concerning format choices and the handling of embedded metadata for audio and moving image files. It describes its choice of WAVE/BWF formats for audio and its approach to embedding metadata in these formats. It …