The National Archives is tackling the challenges of digital preservation, ensuring continued access to digital information in the future, created by UK government. This is its website on digital preservation. The NA play an active role in storing and preserving digital material created by UK government. The preservation of digital records presents a number of challenges because the equipment and …
Nestor is the German Network of expertise in long-term storage of digital resources. On its website, and especially in its information database, publications, reports and other reports from Nestor itself as well as other organisations concerning these topics, can be found. Nestor was set up as a BMBF (German Federal Ministry for Education and Research) sponsored project (2003-2009) and has …
Local Digital Format Registry (LDFR) File Format Guidelines for Preservation and Long-term Access
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Guidelines and Recommendations 3. Bibliography 4. Appendices. This document (version 1.0) identifies the file formats (either Recommended or Acceptable for Transfer) that Library and Archives Canada (LAC) will be supporting within the Trusted Digital Repository (TDR). Formats are identified for 11 content categories including audio. The register is not simply a list, it also includes guidelines …
Digital Preservation- NDIIP
The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program is the Library of Congress’ preservation program, aiming to develop a national strategy to collect, preserve and make available significant digital content, especially information that is created in digital form only, for current and future generations. Its website contains all publications and some interesting subsites, such as on personal archiving, education, tools …
meemoo Vlaams Instituut voor het Archief
Meemoo is een vzw die zich met steun van de Vlaamse Overheid inzet voor de digitale archiefwerking van organisaties in cultuur, media en overheid. Op de website bevinden zich een kennisbank met tal van publicaties.
Digital Preservation
Contents:   News & Events Partners Tools & Services Publications Video Presentations Podcasts Personal Archiving About the Program. Deze bron geeft toegang tot alle verschillende activiteiten en initiatieven van de Nationale Bibliotheek van de Verenigde Staten, de Library of Congress op het gebied van digitale conservering. Deze bron is niet primair gericht op het digitaal conserveren van audiovisuele archieven/collecties, …