Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Cultural Commons 3. Linked Data 3.1 The 5 star deployment scheme 3.2 A note on Copyright 4. From Open Data to Open Linked Data 4.1 Recent examples of open data in the Netherlands 4.2 Linked open heritage data 5. Discussion 5.1 Assessing the risks and advantages 5.2 Open, intelligent and participatory De paper van deze presentatie …
DAR: A Modern Institutional Repository with a Scalability Twist
Contents: 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 DAR Architecture 4 A Case Study for application integration: DAR Books 5 The life cycle of a digital document 6 DAR and scalability 7 Conclusions and Future work References The Digital Assets Repository (DAR) is an Institutional Repository developed at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to manage the full lifecycle of a digital asset. The …
Exploring the past : Web experiments at RTBF
The Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF) has performed a number of web experiments and has fine-tuned an application, Flashback TV, that links television archive material to the semantic web. The public broadcaster set about developing a browser, called GEMS, that unites the raw archive data with information sources on the web. Thus, the portal the online AV-webarchive presents the framework …
Linking European Television Heritage
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The EUscreen project 3. Metadata aggregation and transformation 4. EUscreen Linked Open Data pilot 5. Conclusion 6. References EUscreen vertegenwoordigt de belangrijkste Europese televisiearchieven en is dé aggregator voor het aanbieden van audiovisuele content aan Europeana.Deze paper beschrijft hoe het MINT platform de ingest faciliteert: het aanleggen van semantische relaties (‘metadata mapping’) en de aggregatie van …
Automated interlinking of speech radio archives
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Related work 3. Background 4. Automated tagging of speech audio 5. Evaluation 6. Conclusion and further work References Het handmatig ontsluiten van radioprogramma’s is steeds moeilijker vol te houden voor de BBC. Daarom hebben zij een aanpak ontwikkeld voor het automatisch indexeren. Het resultaat is een semantische tagger en omvat automatische spraakherkenning, het verwerken van de …
Audiovisual Citation Guidelines
These guidelines, launched March 2013, encourage best practice in citing any kind of audiovisual items. They were produced by a project based at the British University Film and Video Council, based on an international study of citation requirements and best practice. The guidelines cover: film; television programmes; radio programmes; audio recordings; DVD extras; clips; trailers; adverts; idents; non-broadcast, amateur and archive …