Film Preservation in the Digital Age

MoMA Blog by Arthur Wehrhahn about its efforts to preserve films, the background and importance of film preservation, and about the Celeste Bartos Film Preservation Center, where this valuable works take place and where the Museum stores all of its films in climate-controlled conditions to prevent any further deterioration. Containing a video of a tour by the author.

Film Archive Forum

The Film Archive Forum represents all of the public sector film and television archives which care for the UK’s moving image heritage. It represents the UK’s public sector moving image archives in all archival aspects of the moving image, and acts as the advisory body on national moving image archive policy. The Film Archive Forum (FAF) was established in 1987 …

Understanding Image Sharpness Part 2: Resolution and MTF Curves in Scanners and Sharpening

In this page Norman Koren examines the MTF of scanners and sharpening algorithms, and addresses the question, “What scanner resolution (pixels per inch or dpi) is required for a digital print to appear sharper than a conventional darkroom print?” Norman Koren lives in Boulder, Colorado, founded Imatest LLC in 2004, previously worked on magnetic recording technology. He maintains his own … – Metadata Standards for Cinematographic Works

Contents: News Standards and Specifications Projects and Applications Talks and Dissemination is een wiki-achtige portal gespecialiseerd in metadata voor bewegend beeld. Met name richt de website zich op de projecten MIDAS en EFG en de metadataschema’s die deze projecten voortbrengen. Met name de CEN TC 372 metadata standaarden:EN 15744 Film identification — Minimum set of metadata for cinematographic works    (een …

Digital Agenda for the European Film Heritage

This report focuses on the preservation of, and the access to European cinematographic heritage. The report is based on a survey launched in January 2011 to assess the impact of digitisation for European film archives. The survey was conducted by peacefulfish Productions Ltd, subcontractors were Red Cat Technologies, the University of Helsinki/IPR University Center and the external expert Nicola Mazzanti. …

Goodbye, Dawson City, Goodbye

This article from the April 2011 issue of the AMIA Tech Review has as its subtitle Digital Cinema Technologies from the Archive’s Perspective: Part 2. It opens with twelve ‘lessons’ learned concerning the long term preservation and management of digital cinema works. They are followed by what the author calls ‘thinking out loud’: eight ‘worries’ about analog collection management resulting …