Contents: Best Practices: Sample Rates, Bit-depths, File Formats Digital Audio Background Information Audio Capture and Encoding Software Bibliography of Selected Readings Appendix: Sample Workflow This document sets forth guidelines for digitizing audio materials for CARLI Digital Collections. It provides specifications for sample rates, bit-depths, file formats, and suggests equipment for the analog-to-digital conversion of audio materials. Some technical background information …
Access to film heritage in the digital era – Challenges and opportunities
Unlike archiving most other artifacts and objects, film preservation has always been heavily dependent on industry practice. The complicated and vast machinery involved in shooting, duplication, processing and projection of new films has been the same ones used for preserving and presenting film heritage. The recent shift from analogue to digital technology in capture, post-production and distribution of cinematographic works …
Cultural Heritage – Digitisation, online accessibility and digital preservation
This report reviews and assesses the overall progress achieved in the European Union in implementing Commission Recommendation of 27 October 2011 on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation (2011/711/EU), as well as the related Council Conclusions of 10 May 2012. The Commission presented a first report in 2008, with its Communication ‘Europe’s cultural heritage at …
Digitization Best Practices for Moving Images
Contents: Scope 1. Introduction 2. Recommendations & Best Practices 3. Understanding Digital Video 4. Metadata 5. File Formats 6. Delivering Video on the Web 7. Digitization Workflow Appendix A: Hardware & Software for Video Digitization, Editing and Distribution Appendix B: Examples of Video Dissemination Formats in Digital Collections Appendix C: Selected List of Commercial Digitization Services Appendix D: Links and …
Digitisation and Digital Preservation Challenges at the BBC
This free webinar presents an overview of the key challenges and processes involved in digitisation and digital preservation through a real world case study from the BBC Broadcast Archive. The BBC has been copying from old videotape formats to new ones for over 20 years, but for most of that time they copied from analogue videotape to digital videotape. For …
FY2014 Preservation Statistics Survey Report
The Preservation Statistics Survey is an effort coordinated by the Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS) of the American Library Association (ALA) and the Association of Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS). Any cultural heritage institution in the United States conducting preservation activities was invited to complete this survey, which was open from January 20 through March 20, 2015. Questions focused …