Contents: Acknowledgements Foreword Introduction and Summary 1. Sound Recording Collections: An Overview of Preservation and Public Access in the Twenty-first Century 2. Technical Issues in Digital Audio Preservation 3. Development of Curricula in Recorded Sound Preservation and Archives Management 4. Preservation, Access, and Copyright: A Tangled Web Appendix A. National Recorded Sound Preservation Study: Announcement of Study and Public Hearing …
Ethical Principles for Sound and Audiovisual Archives
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Ethics and Sound and Audiovisual Archives 3. Conclusion. This document provides a statement of ethical principles grouped around the basic archival tasks of acquisition, processing and preservation, and providing access. It includes references to other related ethics documents as well as relevant IASA publications. What sets this code of ethics apart from those from national and …
D4.0.2 Metadata and Rights APIs and Service Interfaces
Deliverable (WP4_D4.0.2 v1.51) van het PrestoPRIME project bestaat uit vier delen:Deel ID4.0.2a beschrijft de APIs en interfaces van de tools (waarvan prototypes gemaakt zijn) en services voor het werken met exploitatierechten van audiovisuele content.Deel ID4.0.2b behandelt de webservice (RESTful) voor het mappen en valideren van metadata.Deel ID4.0.2c licht de interactieve methode toe om verbanden te leggen tussen gebruikers tags en …
Archipelproject: Legal research (Preserving our History in a Sustainable Digital Way series)
Archipel is a project based on the finding that a sustainable digital archive infrastructure is needed in Flanders in order to ensure a structural approach to the problem of digital archiving. The project is also based on the fact that there is an important role for players from the world of arts, cultural and scientific heritage and education in the …
Digitisation’s Last Hurdle, or a Bridge Too Far?
Film archives around the world have developed expertise in preserving film: many plan for their collections to last for 400 years, stored in carefully-controlled conditions. The old problems of inflammable nitrate film, of shrinking and decomposing acetate film, of fading colour dyes, are all understood and controlled. But how will we screen these prints in the future? And when will …
Digital rights management
Contents: Introduction DRM and film DRM and television DRM and music [Audio CDs Internet music] Computer games E-books DRM and documents Watermarks Metadata Laws regarding DRM International issues Controversy Shortcomings Historical note See also References Further reading External links Uitgebreid overzicht van de inzetbaarheid van DRM, de tekortkomingen en de voor- en tegenargumenten. Bescherming van muziek komt uitgebreid aan de …