Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)

The OAIS (Open Archival Information  System) Reference Model was developed by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) as a first step towards generating formal standards for the long-term archiving of Space Science data. It is a conceptual framework rather than a fully-fledged, prescriptive standard, and is intended to identify the necessary features of an archival information system rather …

AV Insider 2: Preservation in Times of Precarity

AV Insider is a quarterly magazine for the audiovisual digital preservation community. AV Insider issue 2 (September 2012) is themed “Preservation in Times of Precarity”. The issue addresses the various challenges of AV organisations in the context of the current global financial crisis. How do we continue the significant preservation work when our budgets become tighter and tighter? What ways …

Preservation Workflows at the Library of Congress

This webinar presents the preservation workflow practices of one of the largest archives in the world: the Library of Congress. Focusing on the Library of Congress’ National Audio Visual Conservation Center, this webinar discusses the workflow challenges faced while digitising and preserving more than 6 million audiovisual items. Learning Objectives: Have a basic knowledge of the preservation workflows applied by …

Survey Report on Digitisation in European Cultural Heritage Institutions

The ENUMERATE Survey Report on Digitisation in Cultural Heritage Institutions 2012 represents the first major study into the current state of digitisation in Europe. It is the result of a survey carried out by the ENUMERATE Thematic Network, with the help of national coordinators, in 29 European countries. About 2000 institutions answered the open call to participate between January and March 2012. The survey asked …

I want to preserve audiovisual content. How do I get started?

The basic steps for planning, funding, and carrying out a preservation project  are: make a map of the collection, and sort contents into groups according to type and condition; arrange the groups in priority order according to the urgency of their preservation needsd (triage); work out what needs to be done for each group: a preservation strategy; and state exactly how the work will be …