No Time To Wait 4

De internationale conferentie No Time To Wait focust zich op open media, open standaarden en digitale audiovisuele preservering. In 2019 vond de vierde editie plaats in Boedapest, Hongarije. De presentaties van deze tweedaagse conferentie zijn terug te kijken op Youtube. De bijbehorende slides van veel presentaties zijn hier te vinden.

AV Insider 4: Film, Files, Formats, and the Future

AV Insider is a quarterly magazine for the audiovisual digital preservation community. AV Insider issue 4 (December 2013) is themed “Film, Files, Formats, and the Future”. This issue covers technical guidelines and examples of good practice for film digitisation from both Memoriav (Switzerland) and the Institute for Sound and Vision (Netherlands). They have both looked at many options and have …