The Digital Dilemma 2: Independent Filmmakers, Documentarians and Nonprofit Audiovisual Archives

Contents: Preface Executive Summary 1. Independent Filmmakers 2. Documentarians 3. Marketing and Distributing Independent Films 4. Nonprofit Audiovisual Archives 5. Progress Report and Interim Options 6. Closing Appendix: Case Studies Online Appendix End Notes Bibliography Acknowledgements This report was produced through a partnership between the Library of Congress’s National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) and the Academy of …

Preservation Case Studies for Archives

Preservation Case Studies for Archives is an innovative educational experience that places the student in the role of the decision maker.  Through a dynamic process of idea exchange, students first learn about the situation, then identify and analyse the problems to determine the causes, and finally develop alternative strategies for a solution. Preservation Case Studies for Archives provides the context …

3-D Digital Preservation of At-Risk Global Cultural Heritage

Designated communities are central to validation of preservation. If a designated community is able to understand and use information found within a digital repository, the assumption is that the information has been properly preserved. As judging the trustworthiness of information requires at least some level of understanding of that information, this paper presents results of a study aimed at developing …

Digital Libraries: Knowledge, Information, and Data in an Open Access Society

This volume contains the papers presented at the 18th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2016), held during December 7–9, 2016, in Tsukuba, Japan. Since starting in Hong Kong in 1998, ICADL has become a premier international conference for digital library research. The conference series explores digital libraries as a broad foundation for interaction with information and information management …