Building a National Strategy for Digital Preservation: Issues in Digital Media Archiving
Contents: Preface Summary of Findings Preserving Digital Periodicals E-Books and the Challenge of Preservation Archiving the World Wide Web Preservation of Digitally Recorded Sound Understanding the Preservation Challenge of Digital Television Digital Video Archives: Managing Through Metadata. Een verzameling achtergrondartikelen, bijeengebracht door de Library of Congress als input bij het bepalen van een nationale digitale behoudstrategie door verschillende stakeholders. Het …
Het Audiovisuele domein als kringloopwinkel
Contents: Websites als digitaal erfgoed Wie bewaart het web Omroepen en Internet Archiveren in de digitale productieomgeving Conceptuele issues Convergentie   Media Asset Management De digitale workflow Integriteit en authenticiteit: Een voorproefje: BBC&rsquo s Creative Archive Conclusies. Overzichtsartikel van de digitale ontwikkelingen in de omroeproductieomgeving en de gevolgen voor de archivering van programma’ en nieuwe-mediaproducten van omroepen, zoals websites. Er …
Recommended Appraisal Guidelines for Selecting Born-Digital Master Programs for Preservation and Deposit with the Library of Congress
Contents: Introduction Brief Overview of Traditional Appraisal Methods Best Practices Survey and Focus Group Results Brief Overview of Audio and Video Appraisals Brief Overview of Existing Appraisal Guidelines for Public Television   Appraisal Criteria and the Production Process at WGBH, a Procedural Model Appraisal Challenges in the Digital Realm Appraisal Criteria for Digital Assets Conclusion Bibliography  Appendix A Best Practices …
DCC Digital Curation Manual. Appraisal and Selection Instalment
Contents: Introduction and Scope  Background and Developments to Date  How does Appraisal and Selection Apply to Digital Curation?  Data Creation and Data Creators  Data Curation and Data Curators  Data Reuse and Reusers Appraisal and Selection in Action  Appraisal Policies and Criteria-Record Keeping  Appraisal and Selection Policies and Criteria: Research Data  Next Steps  Future Developments  Conclusions  Terminology  References. Dit hoofdstuk uit …
Accessioning and Managing File-Based Born Digital Video
This presentation given at the 2009 AMIA conference, offers a strategy and workflow for accessioning and managing file-based digital video (video that is recorded digitally at its point of creation, not Digital Betacam tapes or files that have been digitized from analog media such as U‐matic or Betacam SP). It describes how to take advantage of existing embedded technical and …
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