The mission of the DOCAM Research Alliance has been to identify and implement five research axes and propose tools, guides and methods that contribute to the preservation of the media arts heritage. The axes are conservation, documentation, cataloguing, history of technologies and terminology. The website contains cataloguing and conservation guides as well as a technological timeline and a documentation model. …
Video Identification and Assessment Guide
Museum staff are increasingly faced with the identification, care, and conservation of videotape formats found in their collections and archives, some of which are many decades old. Staff must inspect the works to assess condition – often without the use of playback equipment – and catch problems before they compromise the works. Videotape has particular storage, housing, and handling needs …
ISAAC: Integrated e-Services for advanced access to heritage in cultural tourist destinations
Contents: Home About ISAAC Partners Reports and Publications Links Contact Info. In het ISAAC project (FP6-IST 2006-035130) is een nieuwe ICT omgeving ontwikkeld om digitaal cultureel erfgoed in te zetten voor stadsmarketing en culturele toeristen beter van dienst te zijn. Een geïntegreerde e-service, met toepassingen voor mobiele apparaten, zorgt voor virtuele toegang tot complexe multimediale culturele erfgoedobjecten. Nederlandse projectpartners: Afdeling …
NFSA Journal vol. 1
The main focus is the intellectual nature of curatorship and its principal manifestations in the audiovisual world. Among the reference points for the views outlined below are: the FIAF Code of Ethics, the UNESCO Recommendation on the preservation of moving images (1985), the General Guidelines of UNESCO’s ‘Memory of the World’ project, the codes of ethics and definitions of organisations such as FIAF, IFLA, ICA, ICOM, the Code of Ethics of the …
EAI Online Resource Guide for Exhibiting, Collecting & Preserving Media Art
EAI’s Online Resource Guide for Exhibiting, Collecting & Preserving Media Art addresses key issues and brings together information on current practices and critical dialogue relating to single-channel video, computer-based art and media installation. The Preservation section was created by IMAP (Independent Media Arts Preservation), a nonprofit resource for preserving electronic media. The Guide features a range of essential information: Best …
Ontology-Driven Interoperability for Cultural Heritage Objects : Working Notes
Contents: Introduction CIDOC CRM and an Integrated Approach to Semantic Interoperability FRBR Ontology-driven Interoperability for MPEG-7 EDL Project: Challenges of Multilingual Access to Multilingual European Content Interoperability in the European Library Semantic Interoperability via Ontology Mapping Achieving Interoperability in the MichaelPlus Project Semantical Interoperability with IMAGINATION Content using Standardized Ontologies SKOS – Dutch Cultural Heritage Institution Thesaurus Conversion Use Case …