Toekomst voor ons digitaal geheugen (2): strategische agenda voor duurzame toegankelijkheid, strategienota 2010-2013

Contents: Voorwoord Strategische agenda NCDD 2010-2013 De voortrekkers Uittreksels uit het NCDD-rapport ‘Plog’: Hoe het verder ging na het NCDD-rapport. Deze ‘strategische agenda’ beschrijft het belangrijkste strategische doel van de  NCDD: het komen tot één landelijk netwerk waarin duurzaamheidsvraagstukken structureel worden aangepakt, alsmede de manier waarop dit te bereiken. Een essentiele component in deze strategie is de rol die de …

Toward the New Enlightenment – Film, Sound and the Promise of New Technology

This is the presentation given by Peter Kaufman (Intelligent Television) as the Opening Keynote of Screening the Future 2011. Over the past decade, television and film archivists, working with government funds, philanthropic support,and private partners, have been adding moving images and recorded sound to the searchable corpus of human knowledge online. That corpus now embraces billions of words, images, moving …

Tutorial: Making a preservation strategy

This tutorial is one of three covering a basic plan for preservation: making a map (of what you have), making a strategy (for what you want to do with what you have), and finally making a specific preservation plan (the actions needed, with costs and a timetable). Strategic planning begins with a strategy for the whole collection: why it exists, …

Survey Report on Digitisation in European Cultural Heritage Institutions

The ENUMERATE Survey Report on Digitisation in Cultural Heritage Institutions 2012 represents the first major study into the current state of digitisation in Europe. It is the result of a survey carried out by the ENUMERATE Thematic Network, with the help of national coordinators, in 29 European countries. About 2000 institutions answered the open call to participate between January and March 2012. The survey asked …

2014 Report on Digitisation, Online Accessibility and Digital Preservation of Cultural Material

The European Commission monitors progress in the area of Digitisation, Online Accessibility and Digital Preservation of Cultural Material. This 2014 Status Report shows that there has been an increase of digitisation plans and overviews of digitised material, more cross-border collaboration and public-private partnerships as well as pooling of digitisation efforts through competence centres or specific aggregators. Web visibility of cultural …

Guidelines for the creation of an institutional policy on digital preservation

Nestor – the Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage have created a guideline that provides digital archives, irrespective of their particular organisational set-up or range of tasks, with assistance in creating their own institutional policy on digital preservation. It tackles the questions: What is the purpose of a policy? What must a policy cover? How is a policy produced? An institutional preservation policy in the …