Today’s and Tomorrow’s Retrieval Practice in the Audiovisual Archive

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Related Work 2.1 The content perspective 2.2 The practitioner perspective 3. Evaluation Methodology 3.1 Audiovisual archive setting 3.2 Query definitions 3.3 Retrieval data sources 3.4 Video retrieval tasks 4. Experimental Setup 4.1 Video retrieval experiments 4.2 Video search engine implementations 5. Results 5.1 Experiment 1: 3×3 shot retrieval 5.2 Experiment 2: 3×3 program retrieval 5.3 Experiment …

Audio Analog-to-Digital Converter Performance Specification and Test Method

This document specifies a set of metrics and methods pertaining to the performance of the audio analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) used in preservation reformatting workflows. The metrics specified in the guideline pertain to the production of files using the highest quality ADC devices. It is the central element within the larger topic of audio digitisation system performance, which also includes the …

I want to preserve audiovisual content. How do I get started?

The basic steps for planning, funding, and carrying out a preservation project  are: make a map of the collection, and sort contents into groups according to type and condition; arrange the groups in priority order according to the urgency of their preservation needsd (triage); work out what needs to be done for each group: a preservation strategy; and state exactly how the work will be …