Excellence in Digital Preservation

This website contains white papers, webinar presentations and other material with a particular focus on the preservation of data: the results of research. The information on storage, risks, trust and repositories has direct relevance to audiovisual files and their preservation.
From the website: 
“Digital encoding dominantes how information is created, shaped and exchanged. This dependence carries many risks.
  • Hardware and software becomes outmoded; information may become inaccessible
  • Other users may be unable to understand or use data
  • Access restrictions may make it difficult for others to re-use data
  • The ability to identify the location of data may be lost
  • The current custodian of the data may cease to exist
  • The ones we trust to look after the digital holdings may let us down
Today’s research community must assume responsibility for building a robust data and information infrastructure for the future. Digital preservation is too big an issue for individual institutions or even sectors to address on their own. The answer to these challenges calls for coordinated approaches on both national and international level.”