Toekomst voor ons digitaal geheugen: duurzame toegang tot informatie in Nederland

Contents: 0. Managementsamenvatting 1. Inleiding 2. De publieke sector en het bewaren van informatie 3. Duurzame toegang tot digitale objecten: risico’s en beheersmaatregelen 4. De publieke sector en digitale informatie 5. Kosten en financiering 6. (Intersectorale) samenwerking 7. Conclusies en aanbevelingen Bijlagen: 1. Bronnenlijst 2. Lijst van geïnterviewden 3. Lijst van gebruikte termen. Dit rapport presenteert de resultaten van een …

Instruction Document on Multimedia Formats: Optimal Accessibility of Audio, Video and Images

Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. What are multimedia formats? 3. How to select a suitable multimedia format? 4. A close look at two video formats: MPEG-4 and Theora 5. Practical examples 6. Conclusion 7. Sources Appendix 1: List of multimedia file formats Appendex 2: Template for practical examples Colophon. This guide describes what multimedia formats are and explains on which …

The Center for Home Movies 2010 Digitization & Access Summit- Final Report

This report presents the proposals and subsequent discussions from the Home Movie Digitization & Access Summit held at the Library of Congress’s Packard Campus in September 2010.   The summit consisted of two days of presentations, discussions and screenings. The questions posed to the attendees were: “What would be needed (to do, have, spend, work around, etc.) in order to …