Recente additions
16/12/2024 | Online beschikbaar stellen audiovisueel archief | Bekijken |
12/09/2024 | Nitrate film inspection and fume exposure | Bekijken |
08/04/2024 | Practitioner’s Guide for AV Collection Holders | Bekijken |
06/12/2023 | Share That Knowledge! A Road Map for Sharing Knowledge across Generations of Audiovisual Archivists | Bekijken |
05/12/2023 | Het behouden waard | Bekijken |
27/11/2023 | Out of Commerce Convenant Audiovisuele Werken | Bekijken |
27/11/2023 | Tekenblad Erfgoedinstelling bij Convenant AV | Bekijken |
About this website
The AVA_Net knowledge base contains various knowledge publications (e.g. blogs, manuals and reports) in the field of audiovisual archiving. Publications are sourced both from Dutch organizations and the international audiovisual heritage domain.
This knowledge base is intended for everyone who is involved in audiovisual archiving within institutions that manage and make available heritage collections - archives, museums, broadcasters and other cultural and governmental bodies. In addition, the knowledge base is also designed to be of interest to students, researchers and interested nonprofessionals.
About AVA_Net
AVA_Net is an independent network for audiovisual collection holders in the Netherlands. The network is a representative reflection of all sectors in which audiovisual heritage is managed and made available. It offers a platform for knowledge exchange and represents the interests of the domain. In this way, AVA_Net reinforces the position of audiovisual heritage in the Netherlands.