AV Insider is a quarterly magazine for the audiovisual digital preservation community.
“Play, Pause and Press Forward” is the theme of the first issue (May 2012) and focuses on how current shifts in the domain today are influencing the possibilities of tomorrow. Get insight in the future of AV digitisation and preservation ― for key archives and how their digital collections are being shaped; for budgeting digitisation projects and the challenges involved; and for opportunities and possibilities of the currently fomenting young work force.
The premiere issue features interviews with Tony Ageh, Controller of Archive Development at the BBC on transforming their archive; and Anne Van Camp, Director of the Smithsonian Institution Archives on their digital future. With articles on R&D, budgeting your preservation project and more.
Table of Contents
- Archives on my Mind – Toney Agey, BBC
- Looking into a Digital Future – Anne Van Camp, Smithsonian Institution Archives
- Training for Future Audiovisual Preservation I – Julia Noordergraaf, UvA
- Training for Future Audiovisual Preservation II – Howard Besser, NYU
- Budgeting for a Digitisation Project: There be Dragons
- Better Film Scanning Through Science
- Tools & Resources for AV Preservation